
Besides page size, pages in this theme can also have a header on the right. This post shows how a page with header on the right looks like. Combined with RTL languages, this page layout should be perfect.

Donec id lectus vehicula ex fringilla elementum. Donec ultricies faucibus metus a tempus. Curabitur volutpat metus vel mauris feugiat, ut tristique arcu condimentum. Nam dignissim sit amet sapien a efficitur. Ut luctus lorem et accumsan molestie. Morbi a erat ut urna gravida dapibus non nec ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Maecenas vel posuere nisi. Donec non ipsum a neque vehicula pulvinar sed sit amet tellus. Fusce a turpis quis neque sollicitudin eleifend eu at nisl. Donec ullamcorper interdum sollicitudin. In ac sem eu diam vehicula accumsan et vitae ex.

Beautiful photographs of New York City in this entry is copyrighted to Aleks Ivic.